Sermon Podcast

Isaiah(5):- Be Cleansed By The Spirit Of Judgement And Spirit Of Fire

Is 3-4 Rev Evan Seah

04 February 2024

We must always remember that when God judges His people, His purpose is not to destroy them but to restore them. While Isaiah 2’s judgement is for those who do not walk in the light of God (2:5), Isaiah 3’s judgement is more specific, particularly the judgement of those who live by the ways of Babylon. What is the way of Babylon? It is likened to the time in Gen 11 when people built for themselves the tower of Babel, which is where we get the word ‘Babylon’. In a nutshell, it is living a life without God.

When people live a life without God, they will depend on all the things listed in Isaiah 3:1-3, i.e. ‘supplies of food & water’(V1) – their survival instinct; ‘hero & warrior’(V2)/’captain of fifty & man of rank’(V3) – military power; ‘judge & prophet’ – human leaders & intelligence; ‘diviner & elder’ (V3) – mystic powers; ‘counsellor, skilled craftsman & clever enchanter’ (V3) – marketing strategy or human talent. In order that His people may return to Him, God judges them through removing all these things that they have been depending on more than Him.…Read More

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