About Us


Crown of Life Church was birthed out of a vision to build a church like that of the Early Church in the Bible.

@ Salvation Army (sunday service)

@ Salvation Army (sunday service)

We started with a gathering of a small number of people in a flat in Sengkang in 2010, before moving to a rented classroom in Salvation Army @ Bukit Timah. Our church services at that time were characterised by healing, deliverance, and spiritual phenomena.

Many visitors came, some with the purpose of learning how to operate in spiritual gifts. Flourishing as it seemed, there was however very little spiritual fruit that came out from the ministry that we did. We also began to face spiritual warfare at many fronts, without having a clue of how to combat it. It was at this time God impressed on our hearts that we should shift our focus away from spiritual gifts and miracles.

As we reorientated our ministry, God led us to a place at Upper Thomson where we could fully devote ourselves to worship and prayer. Little did we know the stage was set for the church to enter into a time of โ€˜wildernessโ€™.

@ Upper Thomson (a little hut)

@ Upper Thomson (a little hut)

@ Upper Thomson (weekly meeting)

@ Upper Thomson (weekly meeting)

Through financial challenges & internal warfare, we were thrust into a season of facing God alone, and dealing with our own spiritual bindings & inner healing. Difficult as it was, the process was essential to establish our spirituality. Through it, God broke in us the mould of religiously serving Him, as we had done up till then.

@ Upper Thomson (sunday service)

@ Upper Thomson (sunday service)

As we received this Word by faith, we determined to only depend on God for everything we needed for our livelihood & ministry, even though we had very few church members. At the same time, we also experienced Godโ€™s power working through the church in miraculous ways, as we prayed & ministered to various situations, such as the severe haze that plagued this land in 2013.

Through all this, we confirmed that God had called us to build an end-time Glorious Church like that of the Ephesian Church. And we began to challenge our members to respond to this same vision & calling. Consequently, at the end of 2013, we formally registered our church as Crown of Life Church.

How Did Crown Of Life Church Get Her Name?
How Did Crown of Life Church Get Her Name?

After completing this phase of our training, we moved to our current place @ Yio Chu Kang. Here we were exposed to a new level of warfare, including persecutions from outside the church.

@ Yio Chu Kang (sunday service)

@ Yio Chu Kang (sunday service)

During this phase we learnt to defend our worship & concentrated on building the foundation of Truth, that is based on the 66 books of the Bible. In this process, we exposited the teachings of Romans, Hebrews, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Ephesians, Colossians, Micah, Habakkuk, Malachi and more โ€“ till this present time.

@ Yio Chu Kang (weekday meeting - ministry gift training)

@ Yio Chu Kang (weekday meeting – ministry gift training)

@ Yio Chu Kang (weekday meeting - prayer ministry)

@ Yio Chu Kang (weekday meeting – prayer ministry)

Today, Crown of Life Church is formed by a group of people who meet regularly for study of the Word, worship, prayer & fellowship, just like the Early Church.

All the hardships we faced & lessons we learnt since we embarked on this journey cannot be adequately summarized in this page.

Likewise, the joys & thrills of seeing Godโ€™s church growing out of its infancy into maturity cannot be expressed in mere words & sentences. We are humbled & awed by God who entrusted His church to us. We believe that through our existence, God will raise up many remnants who will walk the same path as we have, and partner with us in preparing for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. To God be the glory!

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