Sermon Podcast

Isaiah(1):- The Sigh Of The Father

Is 1:1-9 Rev Evan Seah

07 January 2024

The Book of Isaiah began with a proclamation of judgement on Judah – yet one must know that at the time of this prophecy, Judah was experiencing a ‘golden age’, flourishing under the reign of rather good kings who ‘did what was right in the eyes of the Lord’ (2 Kings 15:3,34). Since they seemed to live more ‘righteously’ than corrupted Northern Israel, why therefore the message of judgement?

Because the kings did not remove the high places of idolatry (2 Kings 15:4,35, 16:4). How could they still tolerate idolatry even as they worshiped Yahweh? The reason was they were influenced by the world, admiring them for prospering even while worshiping idols (cf King Ahaz, 2 Kings 16:10).

One must know that Israel is the centre of the world (the ‘navel’ cf. Ezek 5:5, 38:12). Thus, when Israel is corrupted, the world is corrupted. In order for Israel to become a holy nation, the Lord raised up the Assyrians and later the Babylonians as instruments of judgement. In other words, the world suffers under the hand of the Assyrians (who were invading the neighbouring countries) because Israel is not holy. …Read More

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