Sermon Podcast

The Kingdom Of God Is Now Here

Mt 13:1-52 Rev Evan Seah

19 November 2023

In what context did Jesus speak about the 7 parables of the Kingdom of Heaven? In Mt 12, we saw that He began to face opposition from the Pharisees (V14)– who were challenging him for proof He was from God (V38) & defaming his ministry (VV24) – as well as from His family – who were not doing the will of God (V50) & trying to restrain Him (Mk 3:21). Hence the fact that He chose to give these parables ‘that same day’ (13:1), implies that to receive the revelation of the Kingdom, one should not be bound by religion nor by humanism. In short, these groups of people were not the focus of Jesus’ ministry or preaching.

In Mt 13:2, we see large crowds gathering to hear Jesus. However, Jesus did not speak in a way that they could understand, because the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven are not given to ‘them’ (crowds), but to ‘you’ (disciples) (V11). Hence, half-heartedness & non-commitment is a condition that hinders one from understanding the truth. This speaks of the reason why many people are not able to grow even after sitting through sermon after sermon for years. Because the message of the Kingdom is only given to the disciples (‘you’). Those in the ‘them’ group will only be ‘ever hearing but never understanding’ (V14). …Read More

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