Sermon Podcast

Separation Of Sheep & Goats
(Judgement Of The Religion)

Mt 25:31-46 Rev Evan Seah

05 November 2023

It is commonly assumed that the parable of sheep and goats is all about doing good works, such as caring for the poor or doing charity. However, to say that not doing good works will result in โ€˜eternal punishmentโ€™ (V46) or hellfire (V41) would amount to basing salvation on works and not on grace. Though doing good deeds as a Christian is necessary, this is not the focus of this parable.

A key to understanding this parable is to establish who the โ€˜goatsโ€™ refer to. They are not the โ€˜pagansโ€™ (6:32) or โ€˜crowdsโ€™ (5:1) that Matthew talks about, because all throughout the Gospel, the group that opposes the ministry of Jesus most is the Pharisees & teachers of the law (aka religious leaders). They are the ones that Jesus condemned most, even to hell for their hypocrisy (Mt 5:20, 23:33). …Read More

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