After Adam & Eve ate the fruit, ‘their eyes were opened, and they realized they were naked’ (3:7). In perfection, they did not see their nakedness as lack (2:25). …Read More
But through sin, Satan made them see the ‘imperfections’ of God – what he wanted them to see. And while they should have bowed down & repented to God, they used ‘fig leaves’ to cover up their sin and hide from God – i.e. man’s ways of saving themselves.
But in spite of this, God came to look for them in the cool of the day, as He did all the time without fail. When man sin, Satan will tell us, ‘You are doomed’ – his tactic is to cause shame & fear so that we fall into a vicious cycle of more sin. But when God asks, ‘Where are you?’ (3:9), He indicates His willingness to help us, because there is no other way we can resolve our sin but through Him. So from the very beginning, God has demonstrated His love for us.
We must know that God is a God of second chances. He is able to restore all who fall, just like He restored Adam by instituting the system of sacrifice for them (animal skins) & reinstating his authority (naming his wife Eve). God through Adam pronounced Eve as the mother of the living, not the dead – so there is hope for mankind even when they sin. Ultimately, through the Cross, the Offspring of the woman will crush the serpent’s head (3:15).