The event of Noah’s flood is something that many Christians are well versed in. Yet, few have pondered about why out of the entire population of probably 4 billion, only 8 were saved. What about Noah’s siblings and other descendants of Enoch who were living at the time of the flood? …Read More
The family line of Seth was supposedly a generation that walked with God. Yet during the time that Noah built the ark, none of those who were close to him responded.
This sermon, we will take you through the Book of Enoch, an ancient Hebrew apocalyptic text, to understand how the entire generation could be corrupted to a level that they could no more respond to the call of God to repent.
‘As it was in the days of Noah,….so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.’ (Mt 24:37) The church should therefore take heed of the call to live righteous lives, of the signs of His coming, and acquire the ability to discern evil, in order we could wage powerful and effective spiritual warfare against the enemy, who would employ the same tactics in the last days.
Remember, out of the entire population and a generation whose great grandfather was Enoch, only 8 were saved. We can’t therefore presume living a life of ‘eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage’ (v38), i.e. indulging in the world, even as a ‘Christian’, would guarantee an entrance into the ark on the day the flood comes.